Tales of the Told.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


random quote

Dawn before dusk.
2:24 AM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh look a post!
what where?
I'm actually posting some shit OMG!
not that anyone will read this haha
if you do leave a tag.
this a graveyard
no one comes here anymore
tag you're it
Project Work Is For Dogs!!!!!!!!

Dawn before dusk.
7:51 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008

Aw dam my mouse is spoiled TT

Ok apart rather not so major news, lol i have a few things that i want to blog about but are far far behind the time the events happened so yea:

Anime Fest Asia 2008 (Hey i went for it lol)
Outward Bound Singapore (1500+ words)
Sentosa Visit wit frens

Ok so thats about it look forward to it, especially OBS since we were assigned to write 1500 words about obs (zzz) iguess i will be posting the full reflection (or rather a report) here in my blog...


Dawn before dusk.
4:54 AM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hmm i'm updating... for once... who knows when my next update will be. haha anyway moving on i'm actually visiting my blog the first time in a month. I'm that busy.. might consider making this a private blog haha. Perhaps I Should keep an update of what i'm doing even if it will probably be like this:

Other Stuff
GuitarMore Guitar....

Wow look at that i just wasted 27 lines with almost absolutely nothing and filled up tons of space! i haven't blogged in a long while now so i'm not sure what i should write. anyway lately i've been trying to see if i can write some songs (no idea why) and my guitaring has gotten better haha hope i can get an electric guitar next year or so. A Kingdom's Tale is stuck inside my head for some weird reason. Trying to learn this song by ear...

Lyrics to A Kingdom's Tale :
I rule the world from my dark hill
Where everybody left their king
There wasn't pain, the blood never touched the ground from that dayBut I was sure that one day, something would have changed
but human kind has never been strong enough

And it seems like the sky is falling
Every certainty is lost
Now I watch my kingdom burning in the fire of loveI can't control it anymore
I'm too scared to face the truth

And now I know the real king is inside my chest
And I'm gonna equip this war
Not hiding or pretending, anymore

And it seems like the sky is fallingEvery certainty is lost
Now I watch my kingdom burning in the fire of love
I can't control it anymore
I'm too scared to face the truth

Why should I close the gates of my heart
Lock in it, its become a stoneHow could I see through my thick window
All the good thinks of this world

And it seems like the sky is fallingEvery certainty is lost
Now I watch my kingdom burning in the fire of love
I can't control it anymore
I'm too scared to face the truth
Now I'm watching my kingdom...Too scared to face the truth

other than that i've been doing nothing much haha. I did recently watch an awesome movie (Byuosoku Go Sentimetre) 5cm per second. the title is in relation to the speed of which the cherry blossom falls and is a metaphor of the human life. this movie really helps my literature analysis (which is kinda dumb though) anyway take a look if you have the time. Its a chain of short stories about the distance between people

One Last Thing Before i sign out, this is my 1,2,3,4,5,6..........7th POST!!!!!!! in this entire blog congrats to me lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE GREATEST ACHIEVMENT IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn before dusk.
2:35 AM

Friday, September 12, 2008

uh-huh too lazy to post much so yep thats it. haha short and boring huh? lol i guess i still got a treat for everyone while i'm working on something bigger.

I'VE BEEN TAGGED!!!!!(climatic music!!!!!!!)
When tagged a person has to write down 5 facts about himself/herself that people normally won't know. He/She then has to tag five other people and they have to do the same thing as well.

Fact 1:
I LOVE NATURE AND SCENERY but then i guess you already know that

Fact 2:
I hate time

Fact 3:
Stars are cool!

Fact 4:
I'm still and always have been single

Fact 5:
I like chinese (its cool i just suck at writing it)

So yea thats about it

The five people tagged and have to do this is:
Ming yi
Wei Kwang
A Monkey
and Stacy haha

Ok i added two extra people haha! but one of them is just a JOKE!!! if you think that you are that ONE PERSON who fits the description go ahead and tag others but be sure to tell me 1st(i wanna know who thinks of themselves like that)! Thats all folks check back next time i'm workin on something super cool!

Dawn before dusk.
8:07 AM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

lol i'm keeping this blog as alive as possible but it is impossible for now so hold still and i'll come back with a super cool post for everyone after teachers day. in the mean time enjoy this video

Dawn before dusk.
6:23 AM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yea i just updated my dead place again lol. this is going to be one short post. i just added to super special awesome banners which i made myself (i can photoshop!!!!!) and i'm trying to figure out the code to add some extra things inside. so check out the skin and tell me what u think.

Dawn before dusk.
2:10 AM


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Name: Duan Kai
School: Deyi Secondary School
Class: 307
Cca: IT Club
Likes: Scenery,Alternative,Post Harcore, Emo, Rock and Jpop music, Friends
Hates: Err... Changes! Immoral things (i have no idea why?). R&B, Rap, Hip Hop, Techno, Soul Etc... And the lists goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
Hobbies: Making videos, writing stories, Playing guitar, Photography, photoshoping

#1 More frens [X]
#2 A band i guess []
#3 Time Travelling [XXXXXXX]
#4 Accoustic guitar [X]
#5 Mind-Reading Powers [XXXXXXXX]
#6 Ultimate Guitar Goal CANON ROCK []
The most important Wish
Did you know i play guitar?

View Results
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Talk On

Ultimate Guitar Goal!!!!!
Canon Rock
Canon Rock - JerryC

Deyi Video Club
Ming Yi
Wei Kwang
Myself LOL
Jolene Aps
Wen Zhen
My Chinese Blog LOL!!!

Credits: Abyss Lee
August 2008;
September 2008;
November 2008;
December 2008;
April 2010;